Friday, December 10, 2010

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

While I don't plan on usually posting book or movie reviews, I am going to post a little about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. This is a spoiler alert. If you haven't seen the movie and don't want to find out anything about it, STOP READING NOW! With that warning...

I really was disappointed with the movie version of VDT. While more pieces of the plot line existed in this movie than in Prince Caspian, the most major theme was distorted. The movie looked at a theme of temptation and the inability to resist temptation due to the green mist (which is NOT in the book). While temptation certainly exists in the book, the book is not as much about temptation as it is about the depravity of humans and the redeeming power of Christ (Aslan) through baptism (Eustace's de-dragoning) and Word (the appearances of Aslan to the various characters). In the movie, the characters are not totally responsible for their actions, as the evil mist caused them to act certain ways. However, in the book, each character is held responsible for his or her actions. Only Aslan can save. In the movie, however, the characters defeat the mist on their own with their quest. This seems to be so anti-Lewis and his ideas for the themes of the books.
I strongly debated whether to even see this movie after being so disappointed by Prince Caspian, but I decided to see it anyway because of the change of both the director and distributer. However, I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any more (if they are made). I simply can't take the intense pain while sitting in the theater anymore. (And my fellow patrons probably don't want me sitting there either, as I tend to madly flail my arms in disgust when I am frustrated.)

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